The FYI on the Creator of this Website
I'm pretty sure you don't care so much about me, so if you don't want to read about me, then escape the madness.
First of all:
Name: Elizabeth
Age: 15
Birthdate: May 17th (I like presents *hint hint nudge nudge wink wink* ^_^)
Star Sign: Taurus
Chinese Year: Dragon
Residence: California, USA
Favorite Color(s): Green, silver, black
Instruments Played: Piano, Clarinet, Violin (quit after 2 years in the school orchestra)
Favorite Author(s): Anne Rice, J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, Tamora Pierce, Anne McCaffrey, Anne Logston, Mercedes Lackey, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, Terry Pratchett
Side Note: There are probably more authors that I can't remember.
Favorite Harry Potter Character: Draco Malfoy
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Favorite Lord of the Rings Character: Legolas
Favorite Lord of the Rings Place: Lothlorien (so shiny...)
Favorite Food(s): Italian food, sushi, pizza.
Favorite Animal(s): Snakes
Favorite Fantasy Animal(s): Dragons, Basilisks, Phoenixes
Favorite Fantasy Race(s): Vampires, Elves
Hobbies: Reading, writing, chatting, surfing the net, listening to music, eating sugar, being hyper, being random, being random AND hyper, pretending to be a Knight Who Says "NEE!"
Likes: Science-fiction, fantasy, cheese, randomness, humor, Harry Potter (series only), Lord of the Rings, bothering people, making fun of stuff, chatting, the Internet, rock music, alternative music, reading, good movies, useless, yet interesting facts, playing the clarinet (except when I get bored of it), playing the piano (except when I get bored), listening to Marissa play the violin, Monty Python
Dislikes: Rude people, unintelligent people, annoying, rude and unintelligent people, perverted people, stupid movies, bad grammar, misspellings, telemarketers, useless crap, teeny boppers, overly obsessed fanpeople of actors/actoresses/whoever, mushrooms, cigarette smokers.
Other Websites: The Insane Ocean Animals Website (Not updated since Summer 2001 and some of the pics are messed up)
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